Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Reflections

Over the course of the semester I have noticed that my writing has been getting better. In my opinion, my first two stories are a little painful to read, but I think that could just be me being hyper critical of myself.

I am super proud of my stories form Weeks 3, 4, and 6. Interestingly enough, these were the stories that I had the most motivation to write. The motivation stemmed from the reading that I did that week. The more interesting the traditional story, the more interesting I think my idea for the week's story was. I have noticed that I ted to stick with a narrative type of story as I write. It is not necessarily a bad thing because of the different themes and genres that I try to incorporate into them. It helps to keep the same writing style funky fresh.

I have found that whenever I am writing my story for the week, I do not really have any difficulty with the writing process. I am able to grind one out without looking at my notes or having to take breaks because of a writer's block.

On the topic of notes, the ones I take are not really helpful (I purposely do this) as I personally think taking notes restricts the amount of creative freedom that I have. I find myself referencing them more often the more detailed that they are. Also, a general rule of mine whenever I am in class is to take minimal notes that only capture the main topics and themes of the topic.  Having the ability to recall the topic based off the minimal detailed notes helps me with actually committing the topic to memory. This is usually how I write my stories too, I recall the topics in my head, to some extent I am sure that they are skewed, but it results in a story of my own. That is a main purpose of this class, right?

Perhaps later in the semester, I can try a different perspective of writing. I am sort of doing it my Storybook project. Instead of it being a complete narrative, there are some moments of first person monologue. I honestly do not find this kind of writing very rewarding, but it is something different from what I am used to...

A little of inception for you. A screenshot of my current desktop.

1 comment:

  1. I've really enjoyed your stories (that I've read) so far; I definitely think you're doing a funky fresh job. I'm doing the opposite with my stories, at least I think. I'm trying to use a different writing style or "theme" each week or so, if I can help it. I'm trying not to let my writing become too much of a routine thing. I think I do this because I'm not so creative with the actual content, so I compensate by being creative with the presentation. You, on the other hand, are really creative with the content, and reworking the stories, so you don't need the gimmicks or whatever.
