Monday, October 17, 2016

Week 9 Reading Notes: Eskimo Folk Tales, Section A

Eskimo Folk Tales, Section A

The Coming of Men, A Long, Long While Ago:

The Inuit creation story. The Earth fell from the sky with no apparent reason. For their geographic location, they mention some pretty interesting details. Willow trees, sand, a great flood.

"For when men die, they go up into the sky and become brightly shining things there."

The Woman Who Had a Bear as a Foster-Son:

This is almost like a sad Disney movie. A woman raises a bear cub who is eventually loved by the entire village until one day it kills someone in self defense. The now bear is dorced to leave home. It was almost like White Fang by Jack London...

Qalagánguasê, Who Passed to the Land of Ghosts:

I like this story. In it a boy's family dies after eating some seaweed -- probably had some sort of pathogenic microorganism on it. As the boy was dying he would begin to see ghosts. The way the story is set up makes his death beautiful alas he grows to accept his fate and ultimately makes the decision to die on his own terms.  
  • I could make a story set in present time.
  • A boy and his family who live in the third world eat some bad meat. The boy's family dies and he lies there suffering in the hospital. It is a hard and cruel place since he had no family or friends, only doctors in white suits visit and poke him with needles. As his energy energy begins to fade he begins to see wispy figures that comfort him and keep him company during the nights and hold his hand durin the tests. One day, then wispy figure begins to tug on his hand. The boy gets up and follows the figure, he feels no pain and the doctors do not seem to notice his movements. At the end of the hall, at a door with a bright light on the other side, he sees through the smoke and notices that the figure is his dad. Feeling comforted, they walk through the door together...

The Giant Dog:

This story is exactly as the name implies. A man had a giant dog that would do no harm to him but would attack other villages. Almost like the dragons of Game of Thrones.

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