Okinawa, Japan. I lived in Japan from 1999 - 2004. Because I was so young at the time, many of my early memories are of Japan and its culture. We lived in a small house maybe a ten minute walk from the beach, I have fond memories of the ocean and visiting the many temples and sacred areas scattered throughout the island. In 2004, just before we left, my family and I visited Tokyo to soak up the more face paced city culture and climbed Mt. Fuji, quite a feat for an eight year old!
Here is an image pulled from the web of Mt. Fuji! When my family and I climbed it, there was actually a typhoon coming in. At one point, the wind was so strong that I got blown off my feet. Photo by hoge asdf on flickr |
While more touristy than Japan, I have more fond memories of Guam and the more easygoing time I had had. I think the reason I love camping so much is because many of my first experiences were so positive. Photo by Janine on flickr |
Athens, Georgia. During this summer I did an internship at UGA studying the genetic diversity and host-parasite interactions of the Dracunculus parasites. During this internship I got do a lot of field work that involved hiking and camping in remote areas of Georgia and South Carolina to trap animals to examine if they were infected with the parasite. I had the time of my life, it was very educational and applicable to what I want to be doing with my future career.
This is so cool, Alec: I feel connected to Mount Fuji now, thanks to you! And how great that you got to know that Pacific part of the world. I lived in Hawaii for a while when I was a child, and it definitely changed how I thought about the world, and how BIG this planet is. If you are interested in doing a project about Asian or Pacific Islands and their storytelling traditions, there are lots of free books online you could use as resources; I've got a collection going here: Freebookapalooza: Asia and Freebookapalooza: Pacific.
ReplyDeleteAnd what a BEAUTIFUL story about your dog Scout! We have two cats, both of whom came to us as starving strays who ended up in the woods around our house somehow (probably dumped by owners who moved...). Anyway, they are both such great cats: there's always something special about an animal who comes to you by chance like that. Because of the cool Latin name, I just had to click on that link (it means "little dragon" in Latin)... and then that article had the wildest theory about the Rod of Asclepius that I have ever seen. Thank you for including the link: Wikipedia is powerful... I learned something new!