Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week 11 Famous Last Words: Excuse me while I move to the Projects

Projects on projects on projects on projects.

I have so many coming up and I can begin to feel the pressure rising from them.

For one class, this project is completely optional and serves as a source of extra credit. Now, the professor made it optional, but with the current class average, the only thing that will keep many in the class afloat is by doing this project. Luckily, I am doing alright in this class so I have the luxury of skipping out on it. I thought long and hard about it, and I decided to do it, albeit half-assed, but I will do it. I figure it would be a nice cushion to have should I do poorly on the next exam or the final.

Another class I have a project is basically just a paper on my favorite infectious disease. Now going into it, I though it would be easy. But the disease I chose does not have a lot of research that has gone into it since it is considered a "neglected tropical disease." The length of the paper is not terrible, but I worry about the quality since all that I currently have is about half of the requirement. I could fluff it up, but I hate writing scientific papers like that.

Finally, my last project serves as a final. I am in a group of three and we are doing our topic on a rather hot topic in the microbial ecology community. Unfortunately, the other two in my group have almost no research skills. The first time we met to work on it they brought sources from Wikipedia and other non-peer reviewed sources. They also are not motivated at all to do it. Most of the work for this project I have done alone so it is an added stress.

Luckily, I have the project in this class too. It is actually the only one I look forward to doing...

The Projects

1 comment:

  1. lmfao your picture. wait can i count this as one of my week 12 comments?
