Sunday, August 21, 2016

Week 1 Growth Mindset

I have not heard of Dr. Carol Dweck before, but I have head of a growth and fixed mindset prior to these videos.

While I do agree with the general idea, I believe that it is too binary, Dr. Dweck addresses the fact that this is a societal issue not just in the home, but in the classroom, on the street, ect. but offers no suggestions on how to fix it, at least in these videos. She also mentioned in one of the videos that a result of a fixed mindset are certain statements such as "this is boring". While I will concede the fact that this is plausible, it is not necessarily true. From personal experience, in subject classes such as physics or math, which are not applicable to what I want to be doing in my future, my lack of interest in the class engendered a fixed mindset, whereas my microbiology and chemistry classes are much more interesting to me and I approached challenges with much more enthusiasm. The idea of a fixed vs. growth mindset relies on more than just how the student is praised, but also their unique preferences in subject topic.

Challenges also take more time to complete than easier situations, even if a child has a growth mindset, he or she will end up behind as the class continues to progress while they are still putting in the effort to find a solution. Even for the most growth mindset like person, it will be hard to remain enthusiastic and engaged in a problem as they see their peers leave them behind regardless if they are aware that they are on the same learning curve. I personally believe a growth mindset strategy should not be implemented in education until a standard be reached on how to achieve a growth mindset. Does that make sense?

The solution could be as simple as giving strict time allotments for certain assignments. Students can work on the problem for X minutes and regardless if they find a solution or not, when the allotted time is up, they are praised for their efforts towards answer. Then, of course, they are actually taught how to achieve the solution to the problem...

If this made sense to any of you and you can think of any other strategies for implementing a growth mindset while fostering an equal learning environment for everyone, please share.

Me in my early years of life. (That's a lie, this isn't really me.)
I mean, I have assumed this pose in frustration before,
from school work and tests but physically,
this kid isn't me. At least I hope it isn't.

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