Saturday, August 20, 2016

Week 1 Starting the Semester

I literally have no tips on how to start the semester off right. Every semester I try something new, but I always revert back to my classical self a few weeks in of just winging it as the time goes by.

I suppose getting a planner would be good, if you are a bit scatter-brained, but to me it is just something extra to carry around and I never actually fill it out, making it a waste of time and money.

I once tried to find a place on campus to always go to to study, but sometime pesky people end up taking my personally assigned spot causing me to spend more time trying to find another suitable location to study or do homework than I actually spend doing the assignments.

Sometimes I try to set goals for what I am going to try to achieve in the class, but regardless of the class I am always still calculating the minimum grade I need on the final to get a decent passing grade.

So, I guess my only tip to you about starting the semester off right is to not be like me...

I'm a tried and true failure when it comes to setting up a routine. But when life itself is as random as the path of a falling leaf, I find it best to act on my feet and compensate when and where I can to meet deadlines and expectations. Chew on that for a moment.

Falling leave represent the true secret to a successful life. Photo by
John Fowler

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